Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank you all for your prayers.....

We received GREAT news yesterday. Jacob had no ulcerations or abraisions in his esophagus, stomach or small intestine!!!! Praise God, for HE is good!!!! Now, let me explain a little about what that means. He is still diagnosed as having MFPIES (a food protein allergy) and that means that he can't tolerate any dairy or soy proteins or things like chicken, green beans, corn, etc. However, he will outgrow it, probably by the time he is one, but at the latest, by the time he is two. And.....I know this next part is going to sound mean, but Dr. Sacks, the gastroenterologist at Nemours (THE man) told us this himself. He doesn't have to stay on protein free formula since his insides are so clear. The proteins in Jacob's case are just causing him to throw up constantly (and I mean projectile vomiting when I say throw up) but are not causing any harm to him other than this. So, as long as he continues to gain weight, (the boy weighs 20 pounds and is only 4 months old!!!) and is not getting dehydrated, then we can put him on whichever formula we want.

Sidenote: The Neocate ($700.00 gold) is not improving his throwing up at all, so that is why the Dr. said that we don't have to stay on it. We would, of course, keep him on it if it was helping in any way. We are not just trying to get out of paying for it. And , No....I am not getting a new car. Hahaha.

Anyway, we go back to see the allergist in a couple of weeks, and go from there. The Dr. was really excited to see no inflammation in Jaxson's esophagus. He took a pinch biopsy of Jacob's stomach to send to the lab, and if it comes back with no microscopic ulceration, then we can even take Jacob off of his Reflux medicine, seeings that the vomiting is coming from a food allergy instead of reflux. Isn't this all GREAT?!?!?!?!

I am beyond words estatic that my baby is not in any pain. And truly, when he throws up, he is smiling. Hahaha. He is such a happy baby. We are not so happy to be thrown up on all the time, but hey, what can you do? We honestly carry changes of clothes for everyone in the family in the car wherever we go, because Mt. Jacob erupts every time he eats, and like 6 more times before the next feeding. I am NOT exaggerating about all of this vomiting. My friend Natalie was here on Monday and Tuesday from Mississippi, and she had thought that I was WAY stretching the truth about how often and how much this child blows, but she was like, "Oh my goodness! You are telling the truth. I had no idea!" Weren't you Natalie? Hahaha!!!!!! As the matter of fact, she was even in the line of fire a couple of times. :o)

Ok, Ok, I am rambling now. I am just so happy that my baby is not in any pain like we thought! So, thank you for all of your prayers. They were all felt, and we appreciate you loving our baby with us!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! I am so glad he is doing so well! Mt. Jacob- that is classic :o) I know that throwing up sucks, but at least he is smiling through it all.

I am so glad y'all can take him off that formula. I know you would do anything to make him better, but if it isn't working then there is no use in spending all that money.