Friday, May 1, 2009

A Whole lot of Living Going on....

It has been forever since I have written on here. I must say that time did not creep up on me. It honestly feels as though it has been a year since I made my last post. (Almost, not quite) There is really hysterical stuff happening around here on a daily basis, but I have become so accustomed to it, that I rarely grab my camera anymore....., as usual, is trucking along. We have had Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, a Disney Vacation, Easter, and a trip to my parent's condo in Panama City..... all since my last post. No one ever claimed that I was going to keep this blog up frequently, but geez....I need to get with the program!
Jacob is still "Barf Vader", but is now crawling, sitting up, rolling over, and sleeping through the night, and Jaxson, well, he is still Jaxson.... Doing what he does best: Making me laugh my booty off. :o) He is quite the comedian lately.
Just one little thing that he has said lately, and then I will just update you in pictures.....
We were eating Arby's in the car the other night, and when I asked him if he liked his beef and cheddar sandwich, (which, mind you, he was scarfing down like a starving scandinavian kid) he says, "Yes, but Taco Bell is my favorite." Ok, so, fastforward like five minutes, and about 3 different conversations later, and we are passing Taco Bell. We hear him say (with his mouth so full that food was coming out) "I'm so sorry, Taco Bell." I said, "Why did you say sorry to Taco Bell?" And he said, "Because you are making me eat this roast beef sandwich, and I fink it hurts Taco Bell's feel-wings." Hahahaha.....That was pretty dadgum funny.
Anyhoo, here you go.... Our last two and a half months:

Jacob eating his first teething cookie:

The St. Patrick's Day Party that my mom had for Jaxson and Caroline (my niece)

Jaxson and Jacob in Disney World:

The Easter Party that my mom had for Jaxson and Caroline:

Jacob was invited too. He just wanted to eat the cookies they made. Ha!

Easter Sunday: Jaxson being himself. Can you tell Jacob is used to it?
and just a little FYI: I made those outfits! Aren't you impressed? Ha!

Panama City Beach with Paw-Paw

The cutest thing that I have ever made.
(With the exception of his brother, of course!)

Until who-knows-when..... -Katie

Friday, February 13, 2009

Rock on.....

Many people have already seen these pictures on myspace or facebook, but I thought that I would share them here too......

It was too great of an opportunity to pass up. These are Jaxson's underwear on his head.....the same underwear that he had been wearing all day.

Again, just another day around here....

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mr. Clean

A couple of weeks ago I decided that it was going to be a "cleaning day" around here. I told Jaxson, at the risk of being looked at like I had 3 heads, that he needed to go clean his room. He surprisingly said, "Ok mommy. I go clean my room and you be soooooo proud!". Heck, I was just proud that he acknowleged me talking to him, the cleaning part was just a shot in the dark, and I ended up hitting bullseye. Well......that's what I thought.
In aproximately 30 minutes, (I KNOW that I should have gone and checked on him when he was quiet for this long, but I was cleaning people!) he comes into the kitchen where I am washing dishes, and says "Mommy, I dusted my bedroom! You'll fink it's booiful!" And when I turned around, wondering where he even learned how to dust, this is what I saw:

So, I just stay calm. (This comes with experience.) I go check out his "booiful" room. And, man, did he make it "BOOIFUL"!

I don't think there was one thing that he forgot to dust. (It's a brand new, extra large bottle of baby powder, just in case you wondering...... The whole bottle..... every drop.)
And he was so proud of himself, that I had to act proud. I know that some of you are thinking, "You didn't get on to him for this????". No, I didn't. Because, you get what you ask for when you ask a 3 year old to clean their bedroom.
So, I will leave you with this picture: I mean, who can stay mad at that?!? (I can say that now, 2 weeks later!) Hahaha!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Christmas Cookies

This is random. Just a forewarning.

On Christmas Eve, I decided that Jaxson and I would make cookies for Santa. I am no Suzy Homemaker, so I bought the tub of tollhouse gingerbread dough. Bless the soul that come up with pre-made cookie dough. I would kiss him/her if I ever met them, because in our house we LOVE some cookies, but who knows the difference in homemade and storebought?!?!

Anyway, Jaxson was all excited, (and looking like a throw away, but I wasn't getting him all dressed up to get dirty, and then dressed again for the service at church that night) so I got out sprinkles, and glitter gel, and the whole nine yards. He thought I was Martha Stewart, and hey, that's all that matters, is what he thinks!!!! hahaha

Jaxson got into decorating the cookies, and before you know it, he was moving me out of the way. He said "You just take the pictures Mommy. I will make the cookies!"

So....after a few of his precious preliminary cookies, he decides that the gingerbread men "Need a hiney and a Pee-Pee" you go.

(This is the hiney picture)

(This is the pee-pee picture)

He was so proud! And, yes, he insisted that this was THE cookie for Santa. He said "Santa will love it! It's PERFECT!!!!" Aaaahhhhh.......You gotta love boys.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank you all for your prayers.....

We received GREAT news yesterday. Jacob had no ulcerations or abraisions in his esophagus, stomach or small intestine!!!! Praise God, for HE is good!!!! Now, let me explain a little about what that means. He is still diagnosed as having MFPIES (a food protein allergy) and that means that he can't tolerate any dairy or soy proteins or things like chicken, green beans, corn, etc. However, he will outgrow it, probably by the time he is one, but at the latest, by the time he is two. And.....I know this next part is going to sound mean, but Dr. Sacks, the gastroenterologist at Nemours (THE man) told us this himself. He doesn't have to stay on protein free formula since his insides are so clear. The proteins in Jacob's case are just causing him to throw up constantly (and I mean projectile vomiting when I say throw up) but are not causing any harm to him other than this. So, as long as he continues to gain weight, (the boy weighs 20 pounds and is only 4 months old!!!) and is not getting dehydrated, then we can put him on whichever formula we want.

Sidenote: The Neocate ($700.00 gold) is not improving his throwing up at all, so that is why the Dr. said that we don't have to stay on it. We would, of course, keep him on it if it was helping in any way. We are not just trying to get out of paying for it. And , No....I am not getting a new car. Hahaha.

Anyway, we go back to see the allergist in a couple of weeks, and go from there. The Dr. was really excited to see no inflammation in Jaxson's esophagus. He took a pinch biopsy of Jacob's stomach to send to the lab, and if it comes back with no microscopic ulceration, then we can even take Jacob off of his Reflux medicine, seeings that the vomiting is coming from a food allergy instead of reflux. Isn't this all GREAT?!?!?!?!

I am beyond words estatic that my baby is not in any pain. And truly, when he throws up, he is smiling. Hahaha. He is such a happy baby. We are not so happy to be thrown up on all the time, but hey, what can you do? We honestly carry changes of clothes for everyone in the family in the car wherever we go, because Mt. Jacob erupts every time he eats, and like 6 more times before the next feeding. I am NOT exaggerating about all of this vomiting. My friend Natalie was here on Monday and Tuesday from Mississippi, and she had thought that I was WAY stretching the truth about how often and how much this child blows, but she was like, "Oh my goodness! You are telling the truth. I had no idea!" Weren't you Natalie? Hahaha!!!!!! As the matter of fact, she was even in the line of fire a couple of times. :o)

Ok, Ok, I am rambling now. I am just so happy that my baby is not in any pain like we thought! So, thank you for all of your prayers. They were all felt, and we appreciate you loving our baby with us!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Prayer needed

Please pray for us on Thursday. Jacob is going in to have a GI scope done and he has to be put to sleep. I am very nervous but can't wait to find out the results. FYI: He has severe reflux and also has been diagnosed with Multiple Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome. So, as of now he is having to have Neocate formula which is running us about $700.00 a MONTH!!!! I would rather have a new car payment, but hey....It's not about me. Hahaha. I just hope and pray that on Thursday we find out that his stomach and esophagus are not ulcerated. It kills me to think that my baby is in pain. He is sooooo happy all of the time, and I pray that God will heal him and give us just a little peace of mind. But until he is all better, I will continue to feed him gold and not complain. (I have to keep a sense of humor about this, or I would just cry all the time, and that would do NO good.) Two babies crying is too much for anyone! Hahaha!

So, just remember us and lift us up in prayer on Thursday. That we will not be stressed, and mainly for Jacob as he goes through this procedure. Also, that we will find out EXACTLY, once and for all, what is the true diagnosis of my sweet baby. Thank you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just another day......

Two mornings ago, as I was enjoying the quiet (unusual seeings that both boys were awake, so I should have suspected SOMETHING) and checking my email, Jaxson, freshly a 3 year old, came running into the office. He was so excited to tell me that he had written Jacob's name. Hence, the blue marker that was in his hand and the huge toothy grin of accomplishment on his face, my eyes bulging out of their sockets, and I say, "WHERE?!?!?!?!". He then tells me to come and look. Now is the time for you to be as proud as I was: (notice the hand)

Oh....but it soooo gets better:

And poor little thing didn't have a clue as to what had just happened to him. It just made him happy to be getting so much attention so early in the morning! So, this is just another day at the Moore house. Hey, at least the color that he chose matched what Jacob was wearing. That's my boy!