Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Christmas Cookies

This is random. Just a forewarning.

On Christmas Eve, I decided that Jaxson and I would make cookies for Santa. I am no Suzy Homemaker, so I bought the tub of tollhouse gingerbread dough. Bless the soul that come up with pre-made cookie dough. I would kiss him/her if I ever met them, because in our house we LOVE some cookies, but who knows the difference in homemade and storebought?!?!

Anyway, Jaxson was all excited, (and looking like a throw away, but I wasn't getting him all dressed up to get dirty, and then dressed again for the service at church that night) so I got out sprinkles, and glitter gel, and the whole nine yards. He thought I was Martha Stewart, and hey, that's all that matters, is what he thinks!!!! hahaha

Jaxson got into decorating the cookies, and before you know it, he was moving me out of the way. He said "You just take the pictures Mommy. I will make the cookies!"

So....after a few of his precious preliminary cookies, he decides that the gingerbread men "Need a hiney and a Pee-Pee" So.....here you go.

(This is the hiney picture)

(This is the pee-pee picture)

He was so proud! And, yes, he insisted that this was THE cookie for Santa. He said "Santa will love it! It's PERFECT!!!!" Aaaahhhhh.......You gotta love boys.


1 comment:

Miranda said...

How absolutely precious, Katie!!! He is so handsome (and with a great sense of humor, too)! Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories. Yes, we also made cookies and we also did so from the pre-made dough. I wanted it to appear as though we actual made home made cookies so I got out the milk, fliur, and eggs for the pictures. Hahaah! :o)