, as usual, is trucking along. We have had Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, a Disney Vacation, Easter, and a trip to my parent's condo in Panama City..... all since my last post. No one ever claimed that I was going to keep this blog up frequently, but geez....I need to get with the program!
Jacob is still "Barf Vader", but is now crawling, sitting up, rolling over, and sleeping through the night, and Jaxson, well, he is still Jaxson.... Doing what he does best: Making me laugh my booty off. :o) He is quite the comedian lately.
Just one little thing that he has said lately, and then I will just update you in pictures.....
We were eating Arby's in the car the other night, and when I asked him if he liked his beef and cheddar sandwich, (which, mind you, he was scarfing down like a starving scandinavian kid) he says, "Yes, but Taco Bell is my favorite." Ok, so, fastforward like five minutes, and about 3 different conversations later, and we are passing Taco Bell. We hear him say (with his mouth so full that food was coming out) "I'm so sorry, Taco Bell." I said, "Why did you say sorry to Taco Bell?" And he said, "Because you are making me eat this roast beef sandwich, and I fink it hurts Taco Bell's feel-wings." Hahahaha.....That was pretty dadgum funny.
Anyhoo, here you go.... Our last two and a half months:
Jacob eating his first teething cookie:

The St. Patrick's Day Party that my mom had for Jaxson and Caroline (my niece)
The St. Patrick's Day Party that my mom had for Jaxson and Caroline (my niece)

Jaxson and Jacob in Disney World:
The Easter Party that my mom had for Jaxson and Caroline:
Jacob was invited too. He just wanted to eat the cookies they made. Ha!

Easter Sunday: Jaxson being himself. Can you tell Jacob is used to it?
and just a little FYI: I made those outfits! Aren't you impressed? Ha!
Panama City Beach with Paw-Paw
The cutest thing that I have ever made.
(With the exception of his brother, of course!)
Until who-knows-when..... -Katie